Wow, what terrific advice! I think I may print that out and keep it on hand for reference!

I used to always offer advice to people when they were complaining/venting/unhappy, until I read a book by Frank Ostaseski called “The Five Invitations”. He is a Buddhist teacher and the cofounder of the Zen Hospice Project, and has sat with many dying people. He quotes Rachel Naomi Remen in his book and I underlined the passage: “Sit with another person without a solution to their problem, without playing a role. No analyzing, no fixing, no meddling, no mending. Listen generously, as if the other person has all of the resources that they need inside of them. Just respect and receive what is being offered. It’s not even important that you understand. Imagine your listening presence is enough, exactly what is needed. Often a receptive silence heals more than all the well-meaning words.”

And I think the author also talks about every individual having all the resources that they need inside of them and not needing to “fix” anything. That was a revelation to me and I’ve started to try to just listen with love and compassion. Thanks for building on that and offering a concrete way (focus on your breath) of getting there.

The cats are lovely! Is that a camera around one of the cats’ neck?

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Curious to know if there will be a Zoom recording of the Trail Wisdom event? It's at 2-3am for me.

Also the adventure buddy thoughts/activities/statements feel like they could be applicable to so many scenarios! I'm starting to notice patterns around "shifts" in some of your AMA responses.

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There are DEFINITELY patterns :) And yes, it'll be recorded -- I'd love for you to 'attend' (after the fact!).

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Just reserved a seat in the front row!!!

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