...what it's really like to run an outdoor gear company.
Hearing you describe the Out There episode was music to my ears :)
Also I love the flannel shirt Kula! (and anytime someone can use the word “juxtaposition” in a sentence outside of high school English class)
It was such an AMAZING episode, and the addition of the music to my piece turned it into something far more powerful -- I LOVED it!!
“Worry less, eat cookies more” love that! Seriously.
Hearing you describe the Out There episode was music to my ears :)
Also I love the flannel shirt Kula! (and anytime someone can use the word “juxtaposition” in a sentence outside of high school English class)
It was such an AMAZING episode, and the addition of the music to my piece turned it into something far more powerful -- I LOVED it!!
“Worry less, eat cookies more” love that! Seriously.