Jun 17Liked by Anastasia Allison

I volunteered today at Dolly Sods Wilderness in WV. I was impressed with the number of all female hiking groups. Many of the women were proudly carrying their Kula Cloths. I like to promote using a Kula Cloth to help protect the wilderness.

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How cool of you to volunteer for Dolly Sods and it makes me so happy to hear that there are folks out there with Kulas! ❤️❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Anastasia Allison

This brought me back to devising systems for lab work to avoid test tube bloopers!! Love the metaphorical cone idea.

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test tube bloopers don't sound ideal!! And yes, the metaphorical cone is powerful... a little disruption in our patterns can be a really good thing! Also, I had a fun day of packing orders that day -- and a few people ended up with some very clever custom Kulas that might not have otherwise been made lol! :)

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Jun 16Liked by Anastasia Allison

So much perception in this weeks blog! I love your path to happyness🌺🧚❤️

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Awww, thanks for reading Holly, I appreciate that so much!

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This is one of my favorite Kula Diaries! Self reflection and learning as we go is such a universal experience. Nothing I learned in school ever prepared me for what being a mother would be like and I made so many bloopers, but I always tried to learn from them. The commitment to creating a loving community, be it family or business, is at the heart of a joy filled life.

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