I didn't grow up in a house that sent holiday cards or newsletters, but I always loved receiving them from others.

These days, I do a year in review at the end of every year. I've done them since 2009! https://kathryn-louise.com/category/year-in-review/ I always include a photo from each month (but the last couple of years are missing them because of a hiccup when I redid my website 🤦‍♀️). I love being able to look back and reminisce on years past - and learn things I'd completely forgotten, like I got to walk our best friend's dog down the aisle at their wedding!

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As always, you and Rose play so beautifully! What a lovely treat for those last-minute Christmas shoppers (and employees!!) at REI! It was wonderful to see you and Aaron after you played!

I love that your mom taped your holiday cards to the door. My mom did, too! :) I still do the same when we receive enough cards to warrant it. We were "those people" who sent out newsletters, but ours were never as impressive as Harvard. I'm not sure my mom even told everyone I was in the Honor Society. I think she wrote(occasionally still writes) the newsletters as a way to summarize the year both for others *and* her. There were some road trips or vacations mentioned, but she also included some of the bad, like broken bones and such. I thought they were fairly well-balanced, but now I wonder what others thought of when they received them.

You are making me want to post a little 2024 recap on my store blog. I mentioned to Rob yesterday about having done quite a few more markets this year than last year's two. I did nine (three of which were two-day events) and had pieces in two different shows and another auction! And that was just the art stuff. I think it's easy to forget about all the things you've done over the year. I remember chatting with my doctor for a physical a few months ago and I was asked how my year since seeing them last had been and what I did.. I completely spaced the Europe and New Zealand adventures last year, even though they were both huge to me. It's so funny what we think of when put on the spot. I didn't even come up with "selling art" right away.

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