I always wish I could go back in time and figure out how I found Kula (and Kind Apparel). I know they were around the same time, but I don't know what order it happened in. I feel like I started following Gretchen (PowersProvisions) around the same time? I did look it up before I read this post and saw that my first purchase was July 2019, just before your first birthday. I think that means I can call myself a "ground floor-er"? lolol Very rarely am I on to something cool before other people.
Thank you for everything you've done, all the hard work you've put in. I love that my favorite piece of gear is a pee cloth!
You are definitely an OG Kula-er!!! Like VERY OG!! I love that I've gotten to know you through Kula and that I've had the joy of sharing white water rafting with you and numerous brewery events lol!! I'm so grateful you found us, Katt!
Congratulations!!! I take it every opportunity to tell other women about Kula cloth. This little piece of fabric makes a difference in protecting the wilderness.
This post felt a bit like the “make it hotter” post from a few weeks ago… but… “make it more emotional!” THANK YOU for sharing these stories (this week, and every week).
Congratulations!! And as always, always, always…I’m so proud of you.
Thanks Mom!!
I always wish I could go back in time and figure out how I found Kula (and Kind Apparel). I know they were around the same time, but I don't know what order it happened in. I feel like I started following Gretchen (PowersProvisions) around the same time? I did look it up before I read this post and saw that my first purchase was July 2019, just before your first birthday. I think that means I can call myself a "ground floor-er"? lolol Very rarely am I on to something cool before other people.
Thank you for everything you've done, all the hard work you've put in. I love that my favorite piece of gear is a pee cloth!
You are definitely an OG Kula-er!!! Like VERY OG!! I love that I've gotten to know you through Kula and that I've had the joy of sharing white water rafting with you and numerous brewery events lol!! I'm so grateful you found us, Katt!
Congratulations!!! I take it every opportunity to tell other women about Kula cloth. This little piece of fabric makes a difference in protecting the wilderness.
Yes, congratulations, indeed! Long live Kula Cloth!!
This post felt a bit like the “make it hotter” post from a few weeks ago… but… “make it more emotional!” THANK YOU for sharing these stories (this week, and every week).