I know this isn't the main point of the post but I would also make mini eggplant pizzas!!

I've been thinking about doing a pretend podcast interview (since you mentioned it a few weeks ago) and I've had trouble getting into it while some things feel like they're on pause... but I wonder what it might be like to try anyways?

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Ahhh.... fun question! And I wonder how it will feel to just get the momentum flowing without the idea that something is on 'pause' -- and maybe just considering that the pieces are in motion and just waiting to come together? Most of the things I interview myself about are things that haven't happened yet -- but I love the feeling of talking about them as if they are real .. .even if I have no clue HOW they will happen. It's super fun... maybe I will have to film a pretend interview with myself lol.

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I thought the first ~4 minutes of this episode captured some of the “interviewing about an alternate future” idea. Also my favorite line in the story was: “the only deadline I had was the sun.”


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I volunteer to be the pretend producer!

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