Jul 26Liked by Anastasia Allison

If all business was run like you run yours, the world would be a wonderful place. You’re showing the way!

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Thank you so much Glory!!!

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You wrote, “Who am I without the things that I do?”. “Who am I” is the most important question we can ask ourselves, apparently. I’ve been told the answer and am still trying to understand it with my heart, not just my head. I believe it needs to be experienced to be understood. I know I can’t force an experience like that but I am trying to be open to it and facilitate it, if possible. You quoted Rumi recently, “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop”. I believe that, and that is what I am seeking to experience. What you’ve been writing about this last year is really helping me in that journey. Thank you.

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I feel like Kula Diaries is in sync with the Sound Judgment newsletter! Today, Elaine asked:

"I’d love to know how you experience the tug between time, money and creativity. Are you still trying to beat the yellow light? Or perhaps you’ve experienced a change in your artistic life? Share your story in the comments."


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"It’s weird to be an adult and to have something that you love so much… and yet, you simultaneously sometimes want to run away from it. Do I want to run away because I need attention? No — quite the opposite — it’s usually because I want no attention… I want no questions… no responsibilities. I want one, blissful moment of just being who I am — without anything attached to it."

Oh I feel this so much.

I adore making theatre and I adore being a stage manager, but being a stage manager often means being the person with the answers, for everyone. I've tried to start scheduling myself a full week of absolutely nothing the week after closing. No projects, no to dos. I do my best to not have to have any answers for anything or anyone that week.

Sending you love, always <3

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