Welcome to the Kula Diaries!
I am so absolutely thrilled that you are here. Seriously - I’m really excited about building this community, and I am completely honored to have your support. Want to see how excited I am? Here’s the best visual I could find…
Here are the important things to know about my The Kula Diaries, and what you’ll receive for being a part of this lovely little community.
The newsletter is free. I strongly believe that the information I write about should be accessible and available to all. I put a tremendous amount of work into writing this Substack - and I try to publish two posts per week… one on Sunday, and a weekly ‘AMA’ (ask me anything) on Wednesday. Each post includes a voiceover that I record to go along with it, so that you can listen to it like a podcast (instead of reading it). If you are brand new here, you can start at the beginning and listen to the posts chronologically (if you’d like)… or in any order that feels interesting to you.
If it feels good to you to support my work, you can also choose a paid subscription. I absolutely know that I will provide value far beyond the paid subscription cost, which is only a few dollars per month. If you become a paid subscriber, you will also have access to all the posts in the archive + you will be able to attend my LIVE monthly virtual events (3 per month!).
Live Monthly Events:
Book Club: we will choose a new book every few months and go into a deep dive about the book on a monthly zoom call (recorded for anybody who can’t make it live)
Power Hour: This is an hour long group session where WE get to talk about anything that you want to create in your life. Think of it as an hour that will inspire your creativity, boost your confidence and leave you feeling energized and excited about whatever you want to create in your life!
Virtual Dance Party (trust me… it’s amazing!). I’ll pick the playlist and curate it based on music that matches some of the themes that I’ve written about over the course of the month… we’ll meet on zoom and dance it out. It’s cathartic and life changing.
Q&As - ask me anything! Have a question about starting a business? Ask! Want a suggestion for best nut butters to try? Or my favorite hikes? Need backpacking tips? Go for it! You can use this form here to submit a question anonymously.
any other random stuff I decide to do… I’m spontaneous and come up with wild ideas randomly - so, I can’t possibly predict the surprises!
A little more about The Kula Diaries and what to expect… so you know what you’re getting yourself into.
I’m Anastasia Allison, the founder of a gear company called Kula Cloth. I’m also the violinist for a duo called The Musical Mountaineers… and soon to be co-founder (with my husband Aaron) of a motorcycle gear company called Milk Run Moto.
It’s always weird for me to type out that biography, because my life less than a decade ago was very different. But don’t worry - I’m sure I’ll mention that later. The important thing that you need to know is that I have experienced a dramatic transformation in my life. And while I love my gear companies more than anything… what really gets me excited is watching and encouraging others to find more peace, fulfillment and joy in their own lives. Through my own experience, I learned the process of creating a new reality - and I know without a shadow of doubt that if I can do it, anybody can do it.
And so that brings us to our 2nd question: What Are The Kula Diaries? The Kula Diaries are like my ‘secret journals’ where I will share literally anything and everything about how I created my outdoor gear company… how I transformed my life… and how I ultimately found peace and fulfillment within myself - not ‘out there’. I don’t want to share these things to say, “Look at me!” … but rather, “You can do this too!!”. Your own journey will look very different than mine - but the basic process of awakening to something deeper within yourself is a process that all humans share. Namely, it’s why we are here. Imagine these diaries as little trail blazes - hints that you can use on your own journey to help you begin to create a trail that is uniquely your own.
You see - it’s easy to think that when you get XYZ, you’ll feel better. I thought that too… but what I’ve discovered is that the things that you want to create in your life are not the things that will ultimately bring you the happiness and peace you seek… it’s the happiness and peace that lives within your heart right now that will ultimately allow the things you want to create to enter your life. Once you know that - you open the door for goodness to flow freely and effortlessly into your life.
If this sounds a bit wild and improbable - I get it. It sounded that way to me too. I honestly thought that there were people in life who got some sort of ‘lucky code’ that I didn’t get. But once I learned how to let go of the beliefs that were standing in my way… things started to move and shift… and once that momentum begins, it takes on a life of its own.
So, that’s a long explanation for what I want to dive into with all of you. This is, in my opinion, the most important part of what I do. I could churn out pee cloths all day long, but if I’m not contributing to lives of others… what’s the point? For me… this is the point.
And so, with that- I am glad you are here and I’m honored that I get to be a tiny part of your life - and I hope that what I share will help you discover your own path towards remembering the love and beauty that exists within you right now.
You won’t miss a thing!
You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. That way you don’t have to visit the Substack website if you don’t want to.
And the best part…
Be part of a community of people who uplift each other. I spent a lot of my life surrounded by people who told me that my ideas were ‘unrealistic’. This is not the place where you will be told that your ideas are silly or unrealistic. This is a place where you will be cheered on… every step of the way.
No matter what you decide… subscription or no subscription… please know how much I appreciate your support!