Dearest Kula Diaries friends,
Guess what?
I went on a vacation!! I can hardly believe I’m writing these words — because, if you know me, you know that I do not take a lot of time off. In fact, even my ‘time off’ is not really time off (if I’m being honest). In preparation for my mini vacation (which is a grand total of 4 days long), I made a bunch of custom Kulas that I could give away to strategic locations along my route.
Ok — just kidding — but seriously, I truly and genuinely just love bringing the joy of Kula to others. I have met SO MANY incredible humans through the gift of Kula Cloth, and it brings me a lot of joy to be able to connect with people and to give them a gift. Generosity to others is the key to allowing abundance to flow into our lives in miraculous ways. There was a time in my life when I did not give freely without expectations — and do you know what? I was pretty unhappy and I lived in a constant state of lack. As I have opened my mind and heart to a new way of being — I understand and truly believe that generosity must be at the heart of everything that I do. And, so, I never leave home without my trusty collection of pre-made custom Kula Cloths so that I can bestow them upon folks who have no idea that TODAY IS THE DAY that they will receive a custom pee cloth that they decidedly did not ask for (but, I’m pretty sure they will love it).
Since Aaron and I went away on a mini vacation together, I knew I wouldn’t have as much time as normal to write, so I thought it would be fun — as an alternative option — to share a few podcast episodes that I’ve been in… some are older episodes, and some are brand new. All of them are special to me. In particular, I’ve enjoyed listening to the way in which my own voice has changed and developed over time. In my earlier episodes, I notice a focus that is more about what I am wanting to accomplish for myself… and in more recent interviews, a lot of what inspires me is bringing more love and kindness to others. As I have discovered over the past six years — it is not very fulfilling to do something entirely for yourself. In fact, it is not fulfilling at all. It is only through providing service to others and through bringing love to others that we have the ability to bring more peace to all beings — and to ourselves. It is through that process that we heal the wounds in our heart and we help to restore our shared connection with the universe around us.
As a reminder — please submit your TRAIL REGISTER SIGNATURES! The Trail Register is our collaborative Kula Diaries writing project (you can see the last edition right here). Our current prompt is ‘ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS’ — I’d love to hear your stories and send you a gift! If you want more information, you can find that right here: SIGN THE TRAIL REGISTER.
Ok… time for the rodeo!
She Explores
The first episode I’d like to share is one of the very first podcast episodes that I ever did: She Explores. The She Explores podcast is no longer in existence, but at the time that this episode aired, it had been a dream of mine to be featured on this platform. In fact, I had a dry erase board in my home office where I had written some of my personal vision on it, and in handwritten letters I had scrawled, “SHE EXPLORES PODCAST”. This episode features an actual Musical Mountaineers climb that Rose and I recorded in the North Cascades many years ago — plus an interview by the incredible Gale Straub. A few years after this episode aired, Rose and I were also featured in the She Explores Book — and had the opportunity to perform at the book release party at REI in Seattle.
You can listen to the episode by clicking here:
Oh, and here’s a fun little fact… I performed at the She Explores Book Release Party before Kula Cloth was ever carried by REI… but guess what? I brought a Kula with me that day to REI in our OG carboard box packaging… and took a photo to add to my vision board. I remember thinking… someday… someday maybe Kula will be carried by REI. Never forget that the universe has a funny way of working out, when you are open to the infinite possibilities of life!
Tarin it Up
Next up in the podcast rodeo is an episode that I recorded last week! This was such a FUN episode to record, because I got to talk to Tarin O’Donnell from the Tarin’ It Up Podcast. Tarin is energetic and enthusiastic and curious and we had a spirited conversation about my entire journey… from a ‘lost and floundering pre-med student who was failing her MCATs’ … to a miserable railroad cop… to a budding entrepreneur with a dream. I hope that it really inspires you to follow your own heart, even if you don’t know the exact way that your plan will come together. Be OK with not knowing. Be OK with not having the perfect plan. When you open your heart, the answers will arrive.
You can listen to that episode right here:
Walking Towards Fear
Last year, I had the chance to speak with Christine Spinazola, who is the creator of the Walking Towards Fear podcast. Christine left her job behind to hike the Pacific Crest Trail and her podcast encourages people to move towards the things that scare them… instead of walking away from them.
I also want to be very transparent here: I still feel fear on a daily basis, but it no longer keeps me stuck in place. Many years ago, I spent most of my time stuck in the ‘not knowing’ — I’d worry about all of the 'imaginary what-ifs’ of a worst-case scenario… and then, instead of actually moving forward… I’d just stop moving. I continuously pressed the repeat button on exactly where I was, because I wanted to wait for the moment when everything in my life was magically ‘perfect’. I didn’t realize that the thoughts in my brain were imaginary and that those ‘what if scenarios’ had not happened yet.
Once I began to realize and comprehend that I am not my thoughts… I started to find the ability to step around them. I could see them there… I could witness them and be present with them… I could acknowledge them… and then, I could choose to keep moving forward. It wasn’t reckless or careless — it was deliberate and intentional. It was a daily practice of learning to live in the present moment — a moment in time where things are OK. I still feel fear and frustration on a daily basis, but I don’t let it overwhelm me. I don’t let it keep me stuck in place. I see it … I love the part of me that is attempting to protect myself from the things that I was taught were ‘scary’ — and then I keep moving forward. It is only in accepting all of the parts of who we are — including our learned fears — that we can gently let them go.
Papa Bear Hikes
This episode is special, because it’s one of only a few episodes where I have been interviewed by a man. Because, honestly, it takes a bold man to interview the Pee Cloth lady - ha!
I loved this interview, because Martin was so candid and kind and had so many genuine questions about Kula Cloth. My very first backpacking trip was led by a man who was not comfortable talking to the women in our group about hygiene, and as a result of that lack of communication… I went on our trip without toilet paper. I absolutely love that more men are embracing the idea of Kula Cloth — not because I want them to start mansplaining hygiene to women … but because men have an equal ability to, at the very minimum, point women in the direction of important resources so that they can make empowered decisions about how to confidently handle their own hygiene in the backcountry. I’m currently in the planning stages of leading a talk for The Mountaineers, and one of the biggest focuses for the class is on empowering trip leaders to be able to speak with their hike/climb attendees about hygiene. It’s amazing how quick we are to chat at length about what gear we need to bring — and yet, it’s often the hygiene conversation that gets ‘skipped’ … because it can be, well, awkward. I’m hoping that these conversations make chats about peeing, pooping and periods a lot less awkward for anybody who squats when they pee!
The Out There Podcast — The Tonic of Silence
I shared this episode a few months ago, when it first came out, but I wanted to share it again … because it’s one of my all time favorite podcasts I’ve been featured on. In addition, Maria (one of the Kula Diaries subscribers and regular contributors) is an intern for The Out There podcast and helped work on this episode!
My ‘part’ in this episode started out with an e-mail from The Out There podcast — they were in the process of collecting stories, and one of the producers had heard me tell a story about a time when I hiked into the backcountry with KOMO 4 news reporter, Eric Johnson. If you want to see the story that Eric and Mitch Pittman created for our local news channel (it’s pretty special), you can watch that here:
The video from that day is pretty magical — but the one thing that has stuck with me… even years later… is something that Eric said while he was watching us perform our music on a snowy mountain ridge. And that is what I talk about in this episode of The Out There podcast.
I didn’t prepare much for this podcast — in fact, if I’m being honest, I forgot that I was supposed to submit something until the day before it was due. Then, I had an ‘OH CRAP’ moment where I scurried around my house … grabbing my podcast microphone… and stumbling into my closet to quickly record something. I didn’t even remember what I had said, until the episode came out — complete with incredible sound editing from the Out There team. Their creative inspiration made the story come to life, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did:
Gear Priority Podcast with Justin Outdoors and Lloyd from GGG
I’ve sung the praises of Garage Grown Gear for MANY years, because they were Kula Cloth’s very first wholesale customer. I cannot possibly contain my love for Lloyd and his crew. So, naturally, I was endlessly delighted when Lloyd and Justin asked if I’d be featured in a collaborative interview with them!
This interview is fun and silly — and involves a motorcycle race challenge… as well as a discussion of what we wipe with when we are in the backcountry (hint: Lloyd’s answer is admirable). This episode is also really fun, because it’s a video podcast (for the record I’m filming it in my bedroom - ha!).
Well, friends — I hope that you are all having a beautiful week, and that you take time out of your day today to give yourself permission to take a little break for YOU TOO. I might be the worst at taking breaks from work — but I also feel so grateful that I get to do what I love for a living. There truly is a blurred line for me between ‘work’ and ‘play’ — because it all feels, very much, like the same thing. I love Kula more than I can possibly describe — and I also love exploring our planet and connecting with others and sharing moments with my husband. I feel so glad that I have the opportunity to do all of those things.
I really look forward to sharing more about my mini vacation with all of you! Thank you so much for being here — I appreciate you more than I could possibly describe!
Thank you for mentioning Out There :)
Also "The Podcast Rodeo" is a great title!